Monitoring additional CM8 systems

KW 2018-11 Last week a simple scenario to develop and evaluate the CM8 monitoring was set up. This week the system was extended by attaching a second, more complex CM8 system. This system has multiple resource managers in various layouts, multiple item types, and already has some data loaded. Support for multiple CM8 systems is…

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Adding a Resource Manager to an existing CM8 system

KW 2018-12 This week a second resource manager was added to the test system. The idea was to create a new database in the existing DB2 instance for the resource manager database, and to create a new WebSphere profile for the resource manager application. The configuration manager will perform most of the necessary steps, only…

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Computer Science Meetup Stuttgart: APIs mit gRPC (22.11.2017)

Eine API-Vielfalt wird für eine flächendeckende Benutzung von Services immer notwendiger. Insbesondere im Bereich der Service oriented Architecture (SOA), wie einer Microservice Architektur ist es wichtig verschiedene Arten von APIs bereitstellen zu können. So eignen sich unterschiedliche Arten von APIs je nach Anwendungsfall besser oder weniger gut. Eine Art von API mit der die Dienste…

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Big Data Developers Meetup (14.09.2017)

Data Science / Data Science Development Agenda: 1.  PlantBuddy – Tim Waizenegger (IBM) 2. Machine learning by Watson – Sumit Goyal (IBM) 3. TJBot – Make your own cognitive robot – Stephan Reimann (IBM) 4. Open Slot – presenters are welcome! More details are available on the  Meetup Page. Location Room 0.018 (TPL) Universitätsstr. 38 70569…

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Data Science Meetup (22.09.2016)

On ApacheSpark, Jupyter and TimeSeries Forecasting   Agenda 1. Data Science Experience (Speaker – Armand Ruiz Gabernet Offering Manager, Data Science Experience) Master the art of data science. The best of open source tooling, paired within a collaborative suite, that will fit into the social environment, built for data scientists by data scientists. See…

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