KW 2018-12
This week a second resource manager was added to the test system. The idea was to create a new database in the existing DB2 instance for the resource manager database, and to create a new WebSphere profile for the resource manager application. The configuration manager will perform most of the necessary steps, only the WebSphere profile had to be created upfront:
$ ~/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ -create -templatePath ~/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profileTemplates/default -profileName profile02 -profilePath ~/profiles/profile02 -enableAdminSecurity true -adminUserName wasadmin -adminPassword ...
The system was originally deployed using the ansible deployment scripts, and thus without the GUI. Instead of setting up the pre-requisites on this system, another system was used where the CM8 configuration manager was already used interactively using the GUI. With its profiles, one configuration manager can easily configure multiple CM8 systems. Normally you would use the same profile that was used to create the system. But this is not required. As it was done here, the configuration manager will discover the CM8-configuration of a node after connecting to it even if it has never seen the node before.
The configuration manager has to be run as root.
$ export XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority $ sudo -s # /opt/ibm/cmrepository/
In the first phase the configuration manager asks for all required parameters and validates them to some extend. But you should make sure to use distinct names. A separate WebSphere profile was used for the new resource manager, and thus using the same application name should not be a problem. But the configuration manager ended up silently overwriting the old resource manager in his system status. Both resource managers can now be used, but future updates with the configuration manager will be more complicated.
The result of the first phase can then be saved in a response file for future re-use. The second phase performs all the required changes on the target system. After it completes successfully the resource manager application should be restarted. Finally, the CM8 system administration client can be used to register the new resource manager in the library server, and the resource manager can be used.