IBM Cloud Developers Meetup (16.04.2018)

In the previous session we discovered what IBM Cloud offers and this is the Action time. Join us to learn in 3 different sessions how can you deploy your NodeJS, Java and Swift applications seamlessly over IBM Cloud. You have some running application along with various micro-services and wish to explore it on Cloud, this…

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Computer Science Meetup Stuttgart: APIs mit gRPC (22.11.2017)

Eine API-Vielfalt wird für eine flächendeckende Benutzung von Services immer notwendiger. Insbesondere im Bereich der Service oriented Architecture (SOA), wie einer Microservice Architektur ist es wichtig verschiedene Arten von APIs bereitstellen zu können. So eignen sich unterschiedliche Arten von APIs je nach Anwendungsfall besser oder weniger gut. Eine Art von API mit der die Dienste…

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Big Data Developers Meetup (14.09.2017)

Data Science / Data Science Development Agenda: 1.  PlantBuddy – Tim Waizenegger (IBM) 2. Machine learning by Watson – Sumit Goyal (IBM) 3. TJBot – Make your own cognitive robot – Stephan Reimann (IBM) 4. Open Slot – presenters are welcome! More details are available on the  Meetup Page. Location Room 0.018 (TPL) Universitätsstr. 38 70569…

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Data Science Meetup (22.09.2016)

On ApacheSpark, Jupyter and TimeSeries Forecasting   Agenda 1. Data Science Experience (Speaker – Armand Ruiz Gabernet Offering Manager, Data Science Experience) Master the art of data science. The best of open source tooling, paired within a collaborative suite, that will fit into the social environment, built for data scientists by data scientists. See…

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Bluemix Meetup (04.12.2015)

IBM Bluemix Meetup: Analytics on Bluemix (04.12.2015) Are you a born-on-the-web and mobile developer, or startup/entrepreneur, or an independent software vendor looking to make services available in the cloud? Maybe you need to iterate on something quickly. Maybe you want to experiment with different technologies. Maybe you just want to build, extend, and deploy with…

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Bluemix Meetup (30.10.2015)

IBM Bluemix Meetup: Containers on Bluemix (30.10.2015) Are you a born-on-the-web and mobile developer, or startup/entrepreneur, or an independent software vendor looking to make services available in the cloud? Maybe you need to iterate on something quickly. Maybe you want to experiment with different technologies. Maybe you just want to build, extend, and deploy with…

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