Tim Waizenegger receives IBM PhD Fellowship Award

740x130_awardsTim Waizenegger, PhD student at the University of Stuttgart was awarded the Ph.D. Fellowship 2015 for his contribution made in the context of various research activities in cooperation with the IBM Böblingen Research and Development Lab.

Congratulation Tim for this well deserved recognition.

For the last 3 Years Tim has been working with his Mentor Cataldo Mega and the Smart Cloud Content Management team on topics around Enterprise Content Management as a Service (ECMaaS), with a focus on security, elasticity and dynamic workload topologies in cloud environments. This work has yielded several papers and patents that emphasize the value of the cooperation with the University of Stuttgart and more specifically the great talent that Tim represents.

The following list shows some of the results from this cooperation:

  • IBM Journal of Research and Development: Dynamic cloud service topology adaption for minimizing resources while meeting performance goals
    Even in the cloud computing era, meeting service-level agreements (SLAs) of a computing service or application while significantly reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO) remains a challenge. Cloud and software defined environments (SDEs) are offering new opportunities for how resources can be utilized to an even higher degree than before, which leads to a reduced TCO for service providers and customers of a service…
  • SECURWARE 2013: Towards a Policy-Framework for the Deployment and Management of Cloud Services
    As the adoption of Cloud Computing is growing, the automated deployment of cloud-based systems is becoming more and more important. New standards, such as TOSCA (OASIS), allow the modeling of interoperable Cloud services. It is now possible to build reusable and portable cloud services that can be (semi-) automatically deployed by different cloud-deployment-engines at various Cloud environments. However, there is still an acceptance problem among potential users, especially in the enterprise segment, that stems from security issues like data security. To improve security in automatic Cloud management engines, this paper proposes a framework for processing non-functional requirements of Cloud services
  • BTW 2013: Datensicherheit in mandantenfähigen Cloud Umgebungen
    Cloud Computing wird aktuell hauptsächlich für wissenschaftliches Rechnen und endkundenorientierte Dienste verwendet, da die Kostenersparnis hier ein besonders wichtiger Faktor ist. Die Betreiber von Cloud Plattformen sind jedoch immer stärker daran interessiert Cloud Dienste auch im Enterprise Segment anzubieten, um hier gleichermaßen von Kostenvorteilen zu profitieren. Die Kundenresonanz aus diesem Segment lässt jedoch zu wünschen übrig. Die Gründe dafür sind Bedenken bezüglich Datensicherheit und -vertraulichkeit in mandantenfähigen Systemen. Um diesem Problem zu begegnen, haben wir die Herausforderungen bei der Absicherung von mandantenfähigen Cloud Diensten untersucht, und den Umgang mit vertraulichem Schlüsselmaterial und Anmeldedaten als Schwachstelle identifiziert. Dieser Beitrag zeigt eine konzeptionelle Lösung zur zentralen Ablage und Zugriffsverwaltung sensibler Daten, sowie deren prototypische Implementierung innerhalb der IBM Cloud Lösung SmartCloud Content Management
  • You can find more on Tims faculty website

PS: The IBM PhD Fellowship Program is a global program.
The IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Program is intended to award, attract and recruit exceptional technical talent into IBM, to strengthen IBM’s relationships with premier faculties, and to underscore IBM’s long-standing commitment to diversity in the workplace.

To learn more about the program, visit this page